Eastern Sailplane Announces Retirement as U.S. Schleicher Representative

After more than 30 years, John Murray, the U.S. Schleicher representative based in Waynesville, Ohio, has decided to spend time on other personal pursuits. "Linda and I have been committed to Schleicher and promoting soaring as a profession and a passion. But it's time now to pursue other things besides the day-to-day business of being a representative," Murray explains.

"I approach this with great anticipation for the next stage of my life. And, I have huge doubts that I'm doing the right thing. Then I look again and realize it is the right thing and the right time," Murray says." I deeply thank all of you who have supported me so loyally all these years. It has been a wonderful ride."

Effective June 6, 2015, Eastern Sailplane will begin the transfer of support inventory to Rex Mayes at Williams Soaring in Williams, Calif. Rex and Noelle are the next Schleicher dealers representing the U.S. As such, Williams Soaring will handle sales, service and parts for Schleicher. Contact Williams Soaring at 2668 Husted Road, Williams, CA 95987; Phone 530-473-5600; Fax 530-473-5315; Email info@williamssoaring.com.

Says Murray, "I wish them and Schleicher nothing but continued success. They are certainly on a roll at the moment with the best trainer, 18/15 meter, 20 meter two place, 18/21 meter self launch and open two place. Their product line is remarkable at present. I hope that continues."

Murray will not quite float away as Eastern Sailplane will continue its FAA repair station operations. "As an active repair facility I will maintain spare stock as necessary to support our repair activity. I'm looking forward to maintaining many of the friendships I made over the past 30-plus years. I'm very grateful for those many years of support."

John Murray, Eastern Sailplane


  • Eastern Sailplane, CRS E3NR568J is the only certified repair facility that was a sailplane importer. John's sales connections with Schleicher gave him almost daily contact with them. It is quite easy to get complete factory support for any repair. This is not always available elsewhere. John has been actively in the repair business since 1980. He also keeps in stock German factory resin and cloth for original equipment repair. Feel free to call if you need help.


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398 Miami St.
Waynesville, OH 45068
513.897.5667 (voice)